But now according to the Bangladeshi Publication DAILY MANAB ZAMIN the Ministry of Education and Home Affairs has reccommended to suspend Pubg Mobile and Garena Free Fire due to the addiction of tennagers and youngsters towards these games.
The magazine also told that after the suspension the VPN servers for playing these 2 games will also be banned so that no one can play this game with any type of VPN .
According to the govenment of Bangladesh these games make tennagers and youngsters more aggressive as well as more violent.
Pubg and Free Fire are the most downloaded battle royale games in the world. These games craze is show high that billions of people are playing it.
These two games are banned by the government of Pakistan , Afghanistan , etc.
In India only Pubg is banned . But Pubg is returning back with a new name 'BATTLEGROUNDS INDIA'
Please comment down your reviews about the ban of Pubg and Free Fire on Bangladesh.